Transforming your ideas into digital reality

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis natus error voluptatem santium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab nllo inventore veritatis quasi architecto beatae vitae
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  • Address
    Room & Power, Padiham Town Hall, Burnley Road, Padiham, Burnley, Lancashire BB12 8BS


  • Sole trader and Partnership accounts
  • Limited Company accounts
  • Monthly or quarterly management accounts


  • Self-Assessment tax returns for individuals and sole traders
  • Calculation and submission of Capital Gains Tax
  • Partnership tax returns
  • Limited Company corporation tax returns
  • Preparation and submission of VAT returns
  • Preparation and submission of CIS returns
  • Registering for taxes with HMRC
  • Tax planning


  • Bookkeeping done for your business using online software or spreadsheets
  • Training for using online software such as QuickBooks, Xero and Kashflow
  • Advice on and implementation of improved bookkeeping systems


  • Sole trader and Partnership accounts
  • Limited Company accounts
  • Monthly or quarterly management accounts
Get in touch

Contact us to book a free initial 30 minute meeting.